Living Will | Advanced Care Directive. Empowering Your Future
Life is an unpredictable journey, filled with twists and turns when we least expect them. Amidst this uncertainty, one undeniable truth emerges: the importance of meticulous planning, especially concerning our health and well-being. Therefore, one indispensable tool for estate planning is the Living Will, otherwise known as an Advanced Care Directive.
A Living Will (or Advanced Care Directive) is the legal document where you decide how you want to be treated at the end of your life. By translating personal wishes into written form, a Living Will enables family members, medical professionals, and caregivers to honor your choices. And further, make informed decisions when you can no longer make them yourself.
The impact of these documents goes beyond just setting forth what you want at the end of your life.
These documents lift some of the emotional weight from loved ones when faced with critical decisions regarding your well-being. When a Living Will has not been provided, the uncertainty of not knowing your wishes is overwhelming. But with a Living Will/Advanced Care Directive in place before tragedy strikes, you provide instructions and a roadmap for your loved ones. Graciously, offering clarity and unity amidst the chaos of end-of-life decisions.
Beyond relieving emotional distress, these documents also champion personal autonomy and dignity. We think your beliefs, values, and priorities are distinct. You can assert your stance on life-sustaining treatments, pain management, organ donation, and vital medical interventions through a Living Will. This self-governance ensures your convictions are upheld at the end stages of your life. For this reason, a Living Will/Advanced Care Directive is one of the most important documents you can have prepared by your Estate Planning Attorney.
To learn more about Living Wills/Advanced Care Directives and other important estate planning documents you need to have in place as you age, contact us at 615-784-4800 or visit
Advanced Care Directive, Living Will