Small Claims Court
We hear this term, Small Claims Court, all of the time. When people use this term, most are talking about General Sessions Court. A Court where you can handle most civil legal matters that do not exceed $25,000.00 in damages. From collections to evictions to contractor disputes, this is where many cases begin.
Some people represent themselves in General Sessions Court, but most have attorneys. An attorney can not only present your case, but they can handle the appeal that often follows judgment from this Court. No General Sessions Court judgment becomes final until ten days later. And in those ten days, you can appeal your ruling to a higher court, and a different judge will hear the entire case again.
The legal process can be very quick in General Sessions Court. You can file your lawsuit, usually within a month or two, the trial is over, and you have your judgment. Once you have the judgment, though, you still have to collect.
Our office can help you do this by garnishing wages and bank accounts. As well as helping physically remove a tenant from your premises with a writ of execution. Or by handling a subpoena to call the Defendant into Court to determine where his assets are. And you can collect judgment.
If they appeal the lower Court’s ruling, the case will be reheard in Circuit Court. And we can help you navigate that process as well.
Small Claims Court can seem daunting to those who don’t understand all the technicalities and the processes involved. We are in Court daily and know the laws and how things work. If we can help you in any way, call us, and we will be glad to answer your questions.
General Sessions Court, Not Exceeding $25, Small Claims Court