Terminating Parent’s Rights Case: Parental Rights Termination Refusal by Trial Judge. Later Overturned by the Court of Appeals.
Re Ella H., No. M2020-00639-COA-PT
On January 13, 2021, my clients received a moral and legal victory. When the Court of Appeals overturned the parental rights termination refusal at trial. Before this, a judge shockingly ruled in favor of an absentee father. Below is a narrative about my Terminating Parent’s Rights Case.
I took this case in July 2018, intending to terminate the biological father’s parental rights. I thought it was a solid case. The reason I believe this is the biological father had not established paternity and never paid more than token support for the child. Further, he had not contacted the mother to see the child since she was seventeen months old. When the case began, she was three years old.