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Category: Elder Law

Support That Evolves with Your Changing Needs 

Kane and Crowell, PLLC has dedicated and experienced attorneys that can help you develop a comprehensive and customized plan to meet your family’s needs. 

How does Kane and Crowell, PLLC help families with Estate Planning and Elder Law? 

  1. An Estate Plan is for people of all ages, and it’s important for those that want to get their legal affairs in order. It is also important to adapt your estate plan as your life changes. 
  2. Elder Care Planning is for older adults that want to plan for their future care needs. It lays the groundwork for a financial legacy rooted in protecting family assets. 
  3. A Crisis Care Plan is for elderly adults that have immediate health and safety needs with a focus on getting proper, affordable care. This includes both Medicaid and VA aid and attendance benefits.

Providing for Your Needs 

One important focus of Kane and Crowell, PLLC is to help families protect elderly and disabled loved ones from rising long-term care costs. Our approach is successful because it is based years of experience that will allow your family to trust ours.

When Are Our Services Needed? 

Putting an early plan into place can allow for greater choices down the road. Early and proper planning includes having the right legal documents (Financial Powers of Attorney, Health Care Powers of Attorney, Advanced Directives, Wills, Trusts, etc…) as well as someone to help make smart decisions as you navigate the maze known as aging. Without proper planning, families are often faced with having courts make decisions on care and finances for loved ones.  

Most families do not realize what options are truly available; often, families do not realize they need our services until a triggering event leads to a crisis. This often includes episodes such as strokes, falls, or car accidents. Even with a triggering event, it is almost never too late to make good decisions; which includes both caring for a loved one from a physical and financial standpoint.  

During your initial consultation with Kane and Crowell, PLLC, the focus will be on identifying care, legal, and financial needs. We will suggest solutions, so you and your family can walk away with a sense of security in both the present and future.  


Living Will | Advanced Care Directive. Empowering Your Future

Life is an unpredictable journey, filled with twists and turns when we least expect them. Amidst this uncertainty, one undeniable truth emerges: the importance of meticulous planning, especially concerning our health and well-being. Therefore, one indispensable tool for estate planning is the Living Will, otherwise known as an Advanced Care Directive.

Advanced Care Directive, Living Will

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